Libyan Law and Society

Libyan Law and Society

Assessing Legislation for Libya’s Reconstruction

'Assessing Legislation for Libya’s Reconstruction' was a research project which was conducted over the period of 1 November 2014 to 31 October 2015 by the Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance and Development (VVI), Leiden University, and the Centre for Law and Society Studies (CLSS), Benghazi University, and mainly funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Tripoli. The project was led by Dr. Suliman Ibrahim.

Project Manager Jan Michiel Otto Suliman Ibrahim
Duration 2014 - 2015

Whereas politicians and others often assume that existing laws must be changed since they are detrimental to socio-economic development or good governance, little research seems to have been done to verify these assumptions. In Libya’s present fragile and polarised conditions, it is of the essence that the lawmaking process is informed by reason and experience rather than by rushed conclusions and untested assumptions. This research, based on a critical analysis of recent experiences, intends to provide building bricks for good legislation.