Libyan Law and Society

Libyan Law and Society

Thematic Phase 1: National Identity

The first thematic research phase ran from 16 April 2018 to 15 October 2018 and focused on the topic of national identity. Major disagreements regarding politics, religion and ethnicity arose that hamper national reconciliation in Libya. With regards to politics, disagreements arose over the role of (former) Gaddafi loyalists in the political process, as well as over the choice of state symbols, such as the flag and anthem.

Project Manager Suliman Ibrahim
Duration April - October 2018
Main project The Role of Law in Libya’s National Reconciliation (RoLLNaR)

Within the domain of religion, debates focus on the position of Sharia in legislation, as well as on the role and position of Libya's traditional madhabs, the Maliki and Ibadi madhabs vis-à-vis the emerging Salafism in the country. Disagreements also arose over issues related to ethnicity. Here, disagreement focused on the status of the languages of minorities (most notably the Amazigh minority). Should they be, like Arabic, an official language, or should they be recognized as national languages? If these languages would be considered national languages, they could still be used and taught in the areas where these minorities live, but their status would be more limited. Next to that, debate focused on the use of an Arab affiliation in the name of state institution, and whether this Arab affiliation should be ommitted. Libya’s authorities after 2011 have tried to solve disagreements, as manifested in legislation and constitutional drafts.